Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Scrap Paper Collage

This craft is good with left over art scraps, though i used craft paper for this one, you can use left over fabric, pipecleaners, buttons.  Anything you have laying around.  This activity is great for all ages. My daughter has been working on hers for a few days now, and is always excited to get back to it.  I suggest using small boards for younger children, as it might take them to long to fill anything to large.

What you will need:

  • Square piece of cardboard; this will be what you will be mounting your materials onto

  • pile of scrap to use
    • you can use anything you like, that you may have laying around.
  • Gluestick

  • Now this craft is just as easy as it looks, all you need to do is glue your scrapts onto your board to create anything you wish; if it ends up looking like anything at all.
    You can make it into a collage of just scraps, or you can add in little details; the image on the left has a flower and the one on the right has a pipecleaner.

    Don't forget to send me some of your images to be posted!

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